Original Research
Raja Rajeswari Rajeshkumar ORCID, Banoth Karan Kumar ORCID, Pavadai Parasuraman ORCID, Theivendren Panneerselvam ORCID, Krishnan Sundar ORCID, Damodar Nayak Ammunje ORCID, Sureshbabu Ram Kumar Pandian ORCID, Sankaranarayanan Murugesan ORCID, Shanmugampillai Jeyarajaguru Kabilan ORCID, Selvaraj Kunjiappan*
BioImpacts. 2022;12(6): 487-499. doi: 10.34172/bi.2022.24113
PMCID: PMC9809135     PMID: 36644543     Scopus ID: 85143350606    
The bioactive compounds from Cynodon dactylon potentially degrade the α-Syn aggregation in the brain through in silico molecular docking investigations. A molecular dynamics simulation confirms the stability of the α-Syn-ligand complex.

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